Das Rennen ist abgesagt
The Race is Cancelled

Duathlon is a really great sport. The training due to the two sports running and cycling varied and not as one-sided as if you specialized in one of the sports.
A duathlon is physically an extremely demanding sport. The first run is usually run at full speed and the legs are extremely stressed. With this preload, the bike must be pushed immediately before the last section of the run is tackled. Mastering these demanding changes is a special attraction.

For mass athletes, the competitions offer the rare opportunity to compete directly with elite athletes. This is possible in just a few sports. Imagine being at the same start as Tina Weirather ...
The goal for beginners and mass athletes should mainly be to bring the competition to the finish and to divide the pace very well. Because a race over the middle distance (10-60-10) takes depending on the route already as an elite athlete> 2.5h. What results for experienced athletes around 3 hours and longer.

With a little training and perseverance, it is certainly possible for everyone to win the finisher medal. As a start and first goal for beginners, the Vaduzer Duathlon with 5-30-5km is definitely recommended.